If you look around, you can find just about any way to exercise from weights, cardio, resistance bands, and stability balls.

What are stability balls?

Stability balls are heavy duty balls made of vinyl and designed to be puncture –resistant. They come in all sizes for many different purposes.

Aquilino Casani in Italy introduced stability balls or “Swiss Balls” as they were first known, in 1963. He developed a process of molding these balls to make them rugged and able to handle much abuse. He called them “Pezzi Balls.”

He first used them in the treatment of newborns and infants.
Later, Dr. Susanne Klein-Vogelbach of the Physical Therapy School in Basel, Switzerland used them as physical therapy for neuro-developmental treatment. American physical therapists first used the term “Swiss Balls, “when they began to use them in physical therapy sessions with their patients. (Source)

The advantage of these balls in exercise regimens is that they provide a platform that is constantly shifting and therefore requires the use of many muscles to maintain stability.

You can sit on these balls, and as you do, you are forced to use much of your core muscles to keep balance. This includes the back muscles and the abdominals.

Here is a sample routine

You can put it between you and a wall and lean against it. You can lift weights in this position as you roll the ball up and down the wall with your back. You get the extended benefits with this method in that you must use more than just your legs to lift your body. Also, you have to use many more muscles to maintain the stability, and you move up and down.

You can use a smaller version of these balls to bounce on. When you do that, you stimulate the lymphatic system, and it performs better.

These balls have become a staple in many exercise workout clubs around the United States.

If you are looking for a unique way to exercise that forces you to use many muscles in the movements, you will want to check out stability balls. You can find them in most stores, and you can order them online. They provide a way to get more out of your exercise routine.

More and more people are looking at the ab wheel for their exercising at home, probably because it is one of the cheaper pieces of exercise equipment available.  You can buy a plastic ab wheel for around $10, right up to $50.

So What Exactly Is The Ab Wheel?

It is basically a wheel that will spin on an axle, and the axle then extends out from each side of the central wheel, just like a handlebar.  It has been designed to help build your abs muscles.

How Does It Work?

The basic exercise with the ab wheel is to kneel down on the floor, and grasping the handlebars with both hands. You roll it out until you have reached the point where your body is fully stretched.  Then just roll it back in again.

Although this sounds very simple, lots of beginners to exercise can find it difficult. 

It will work out your abs and also your arms, back, and shoulders. The whole time you are doing the exercise you are contracting your abs so that you retain the correct posture.

>>> Start Shaping Your Abs at home!

So Does It Work?

It is one of the best exercises you can do to help to strengthen your core muscles without needing to spend lots of money. 

The whole concept of the ab wheel is to stabilize your body through strengthening your abs.  As you are having to support your entire bodyweight while rolling it in or out, you will be forcing your abs to work as your core stabilizer.

When you are using the ab wheel, you should only use exercises that are suitable for your particular fitness level. In fact, fitness experts recommend that you strengthen your lower back muscles before you start to use the ab wheel – this is especially important if you are not used to exercising.

Recommended: The Best 9 Abdominal Exercise Equipment That Are Worth to Buy


The ab wheel is a great piece of exercise equipment to help you work your core muscles, and it is certainly a great value. You will also need to follow a sensible eating plan and do some cardio exercise too if you are looking for a perfect six pack.

No matter what sorts of workout you do and what your aims are with training, what you eat is critical to get the results you want. In this list you can learn everything about fitness nutrition.

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